Boomeringo 28th August 2015
Shammika Munugoda of Boomeringo interviews Peter Horsfield, Financial Planner at SMARTadvice on some budgeting tips and why Skipping Lattes Won't Make You Rich
Know what is important to you. If you don't have a good enough reason, then when the going gets tough (as everyone who is successful will tell you) you chance of failure increase. Failure only happened when you decide to give up on your goal before reaching it.
Clearly identify your goals. This requires naming the goal, amount required (finish line), dates, and visualisation of how you will feel once you have achieved you goal. Goals need to be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Aspirational, Realistic & Time Bound).
Have a Game Plan. Know where you are and have a list of activities you need to do on a regular basis. Check in along the way (monthly/quarterly/semi annual and annual) to see your progress, or not and make appropriate changes. Regardless of doing something or nothing time will march on.
For the full article go to https://www.boomeringo.com/blog/skipping-lattes-wont-make-you-rich/